An exciting journey to the future! ‘22-2-2222’ is a wonderful philosophical science fiction, wherein a futuristic narrative presents an interview conducted on February 22, 2222, and takes the reader on a thrilling ride through the next two centuri...
An exciting journey to the future! ‘22-2-2222’ is a wonderful philosophical science fiction, wherein a futuristic narrative presents an interview conducted on February 22, 2222, and takes the reader on a thrilling ride through the next two centuries, describing a world without any borders, weapons, prisons or even money; while inner peace isn't a rarity for anyone anymore. What makes the book a must-read is how well the journey to get there is presented, with 100+ futuristic technologies well elaborated, the climate change journey described, and a unique one-world perspective developed. The global characters are clearly defined, playing their parts in this cosmic drama, which has moments of human pathos as it develops. Humour isn't neglected, either! The book is very relatable to the present-day human scenario, based on what each individual and society does, and includes accurate descriptions of the ways each person can be truly happy and satisfied!