In "THE BETA WAVE" tale, Earth is invaded by extra-terrestrial beings from an uncharted planet who possess highly advanced technology, including a superwave transmitter that infects Earthlings with strange, deformative mutations. The infected beco...
In "THE BETA WAVE" tale, Earth is invaded by extra-terrestrial beings from an uncharted planet who possess highly advanced technology, including a superwave transmitter that infects Earthlings with strange, deformative mutations. The infected become grotesque, bloody beings under the complete control of the aliens. Axel Bond, an astrophysicist, his foolish but funny brother, Fred Bond, and four other scientist friends find refuge in the DOOM RESEARCH ORGANISATION (DRO), a science lab equipped with cutting-edge facilities that keep them safe from the waves. After the aliens' arrival, the planet undergoes a dramatic transformation, with the once-blue sky turning a dark orange and the natural sounds of birds and animals falling silent. Axel and his team are unaware of what is happening beyond the DRO's confines, but they conduct experiments to combat the alien threat and free Earth from its grip.