This book is an analytical investigation into the works of renowned story writers Ismat Chughtai and Alice Munro. Both of the writers are known for their feminist perspectives and portrayal of the complexities of women's lives. The book aims to ex...
This book is an analytical investigation into the works of renowned story writers Ismat Chughtai and Alice Munro. Both of the writers are known for their feminist perspectives and portrayal of the complexities of women's lives. The book aims to examine the gender issues depicted in their works and offers a fresh perspective on these themes. By studying the synchronic (current) and diachronic (historical) debates about gender and its realities, the book seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the complex nature of gender, moving beyond simplistic or generic interpretations and aims to bring these discussions out of the realm of generic discourse.The agenda of the book is to make upcoming scholars aware to advocate for a more inclusive approach to addressing gender issues in academic work and thought processes. The book aims to highlight the importance of not solely focusing on women's issues, as this can lead to a biased or sexist perspective. Instead, it promotes acknowledging, communicating, empathizing with, and granting representation to issues faced by men and people of other genders as well, in order to create a more inclusive and balanced discourse on gender-related topics.