“A Journey to Nagaland” is a collection of short stories that invites readers to embark on a captivating journey through the distant lands of Nagaland. This story offers a mesmerizing blend of adventure, cultural exploration and friendship that pr...
“A Journey to Nagaland” is a collection of short stories that invites readers to embark on a captivating journey through the distant lands of Nagaland. This story offers a mesmerizing blend of adventure, cultural exploration and friendship that promises to captivate readers of all ages. The dynamic characters of Nick and Dhir set out on a breath-taking journey from the hilltop to a far remote village ofNagaland, inviting readers to join them on this unforgettable expedition.As they unravel the mysteries of the Naga tribe within a hidden cave and marvel at the surreal beauty of Avanku village, readers will be swept away on a thrilling and enchanting odyssey.Through the evocative description and vivid imagery, the story promises to be an irresistible read for those who have an affinity for the wonders of nature.