A Mother by Destiny revolves around the roller-coaster journey of a mother and daughter. The story begins when a young woman in her early twenties unassumingly discovers that she is going to become a mother. The only challenge she could foresee wa...
A Mother by Destiny revolves around the roller-coaster journey of a mother and daughter. The story begins when a young woman in her early twenties unassumingly discovers that she is going to become a mother. The only challenge she could foresee was how she would manage her studies along with the responsibility of a newborn. The author was preparing for one of India's most difficult professional examinations and was just one step away from fulfilling her aspirations. This phase was very crucial for her because having the prefix “CA” in her name would begin a new chapter in her life and would end a lot of financial distress she faced since her childhood. The book narrates a series of struggles faced by a new mother and her daughter. The author’s quest for a new life for herself and her daughter made her work tirelessly. Along with the struggles, the book also highlights a lot of emotional moments of the author’s life which contributed to strengthening the bond with her daughter.