A Quest for Truth illuminates the centuries-long errors, blunders, and injusticescommitted against Ancient Indian history. The book attempts to identify textual errors inIndian history textbooks used in various curricula. Years of invasions and co...
A Quest for Truth illuminates the centuries-long errors, blunders, and injusticescommitted against Ancient Indian history. The book attempts to identify textual errors inIndian history textbooks used in various curricula. Years of invasions and colonialismhave put ancient Indian and Dharmic history's manipulation to the test.The book discusses the historiography of mainstream ancient Indian history and thesystematic deterioration of indigenous inventions and discoveries and considerseverything to be the result of various invasions here and there in the distant past. Thekey to European and Delhi historians' central tradition of manipulation to demonstratetheir superiority over Indians and their history and culture is hindsight bias. Followed bythis is the myth that India never ruled over other lands to foster a feeling of inferiorityand non-defensive amongst the Dharmic people, which the book tears downmercilessly.The book attempts to undo such colonial and academic injustices and to highlightAncient India's spiritual and material achievements and contributions to the world. Italso seeks to raise a voice against supporters of such erroneous and distortedinterpretations of history and to allow those shackled by ignorance to comprehend thetruth better.