In 2018, ISRO receives a mysterious message from the year 2060, revealing that Aadhira, an ordinary girl with an extraordinary destiny, is destined to become the Prime Minister of India. This captivating tale follows Aadhira's journey from her hum...
In 2018, ISRO receives a mysterious message from the year 2060, revealing that Aadhira, an ordinary girl with an extraordinary destiny, is destined to become the Prime Minister of India. This captivating tale follows Aadhira's journey from her humble beginnings to her rise in the political arena. Along the way, she faces numerous challenges, formidable enemies, and intense struggles. Despite the obstacles, Aadhira's unwavering determination, sharp intellect, and compassionate heart guide her through the tumultuous path. This short yet powerful narrative leaves readers with a sense of fulfillment, showcasing how an (un)common girl can overcome adversity and achieve greatness.Though this book is just the first chapter of Aadhira’s story, it delivers a fully satisfying novel experience, leaving readers inspired and eager for more.