This Biographical Memoir "Aaiye Zara Tahal Kar Aate Hain....." is a compilation of more than 80 memoirs. The book explores the various facets of the unassuming personality of Dr. Amod Nath Tripathi who had a penchant for exploring and distributing...
This Biographical Memoir "Aaiye Zara Tahal Kar Aate Hain....." is a compilation of more than 80 memoirs. The book explores the various facets of the unassuming personality of Dr. Amod Nath Tripathi who had a penchant for exploring and distributing the best from all. Be it nature, books, people or life. His personality is carved through the struggles, opinions, and political and literary circumstances faced by a typical middle-class man however our hero faces all challenges while retaining his child-like innocence. Amod ji's simplicity, integrity, contemporary thoughts and actions make his life story a cherishable and inspirational experience.