"All On The Line: Book 1-3" is a captivating true-story-based trilogy about Ashton Allen, a teenage sensation who excels in academics and football. Living with his mother, Ashton navigates life's challenges, learning valuable lessons that sh...
"All On The Line: Book 1-3" is a captivating true-story-based trilogy about Ashton Allen, a teenage sensation who excels in academics and football. Living with his mother, Ashton navigates life's challenges, learning valuable lessons that shape his character. Despite obstacles, he stays committed to his goals, demonstrating the power of hard work and dedication. This inspiring manuscript serves as a motivational guide for young student-athletes, proving that success is attainable with perseverance and determination. Through Ashton's journey, readers will discover the importance of resilience, goal-setting, and staying focused on the path to achieving their dreams.