And that's her story is an Indian novel, written by Agila Zaman centering on a random Indian teenager, the travel of her life from the early stages, her entertaining and curious teenage life, and her toxic relationships. The author has portrayed t...
And that's her story is an Indian novel, written by Agila Zaman centering on a random Indian teenager, the travel of her life from the early stages, her entertaining and curious teenage life, and her toxic relationships. The author has portrayed the colors of teenage life, explaining the pleasures and guilts of a normal teen, and their connection with friends, and adding colors of lust, curiosity, depression, and relief in a very candid and wonderful manner. Every chapter gives the reader an excited feeling and sets them on a journey with the characters of the book. It's definitely a must-read as the seasons of life, are portrayed with utmost freshness and magic, leaving all mesmerized and touched.