"Angelina Caddel & her hidden secrets" is a fiction storybook. The plot revolves around a little girl, Angelina, who dreams of visiting and playing in candies' magnificent and magical world. Her friends-: Fairy Shiny Shiloh, Ayesha, Kate &...
"Angelina Caddel & her hidden secrets" is a fiction storybook. The plot revolves around a little girl, Angelina, who dreams of visiting and playing in candies' magnificent and magical world. Her friends-: Fairy Shiny Shiloh, Ayesha, Kate & James, help Angelina accomplish her dreams, and together the four of them fight against the challenges that come their way with the use of abundant secretive power. The book comprises 11 chapters, and each chapter conveys a moral or inspirational lesson. The book gives an adventurous ride to the kids in the land of candies, tells them about the challenges and learnings & reveals the secrets that Angelina and her friends cope with during the journey.