This Book (Ateet Ki Pankhuri) is Historical fiction where the story takes place in the past. In this, the book writer tried to capture the details of the time as accurately as possible for authenticity, including social norms, manners, customs, an...
This Book (Ateet Ki Pankhuri) is Historical fiction where the story takes place in the past. In this, the book writer tried to capture the details of the time as accurately as possible for authenticity, including social norms, manners, customs, and traditions. This book contains fictional characters, well-known historical figures or a mixture of the two. The Authors of this book pay close attention to the details of their stories (settings, clothing, dialogue, etc.) to ensure that they fit the periods in which the narratives take place. The Book follows the life journey of a fictional character named Sampann. The journey has many stages, each with its own unique story and charm. All those stages are depicted very beautifully in this book. Along with the story, this book flows like a river carrying many historical events and finally merges into the infinite ocean