Chhedi Ram's initial foray into poetry is encapsulated in his debut work, "Awadh Darshan." Infused with profound devotion, this poetic masterpiece delves into the rich history of Ayodhya. The verses vividly portray the themes of sacrifice, penance...
Chhedi Ram's initial foray into poetry is encapsulated in his debut work, "Awadh Darshan." Infused with profound devotion, this poetic masterpiece delves into the rich history of Ayodhya. The verses vividly portray the themes of sacrifice, penance, the unwavering love for the people, and the justice system upheld by the Suryavanshi kings, spanning from the inaugural monarch Maharaj Manu to Lavkush. Poetry is believed to have the transformative power to cleanse individuals of sins through both reading and listening.