"Spanning from 1946 during British colonization to 2023's era of 'economic colonization,' 'Backlash to Today' is a unique historical anthology interwoven with the author's life. It intricately portrays nine decades, capturing the essence of each e...
"Spanning from 1946 during British colonization to 2023's era of 'economic colonization,' 'Backlash to Today' is a unique historical anthology interwoven with the author's life. It intricately portrays nine decades, capturing the essence of each era through lifestyles, fashion, dance, and music while chronicling significant global and Indian occurrences—disasters, terrorism, assassinations, crimes, deaths, wars, and civil disturbances. Beyond a mere reflection, the book offers a broader philosophical perspective. The author foresees humanity's imminent demise due to irreparable climate change, power-hungry leaders, terrorism causing global instability with economic collapse, the looming specter of nuclear annihilation, and the dread of an untreatable pandemic. It aspires to impart a glimpse of these nine decades to future inheritors of the Earth, whether human or alien. This ambitious work aims to serve as a time capsule akin to the profound significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls, providing a visceral understanding of the times lived and the looming challenges facing humanity."