Over a brief span of time, computers, which serve as the primary source of illumination for much of the world on a daily basis, have undergone significant advancements. The evolution of computers from their initial bulky and cumbersome forms, whic...
Over a brief span of time, computers, which serve as the primary source of illumination for much of the world on a daily basis, have undergone significant advancements. The evolution of computers from their initial bulky and cumbersome forms, which occupied entire rooms, to the present-day sleek and portable laptops and cell phones that contain vast amounts of information, is a testament to the progress of technology over time, as well as the dedication of software and computer engineers. The present publication has been developed in accordance with the curriculum prescribed by the Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya for undergraduate students pursuing a Bachelor of Technology degree. The ubiquitous nature of computer usage is apparent in contemporary society. In order to proficiently utilize computers within their respective domains, it is imperative that other disciplines possess a foundational comprehension of computer engineering principles.