When I was writing this book, I was advised by well-meaning people to include the stories of influential people to gain greater traction. But I went, which according to them was the unpractical way, including the stories which I felt more relevant...
When I was writing this book, I was advised by well-meaning people to include the stories of influential people to gain greater traction. But I went, which according to them was the unpractical way, including the stories which I felt more relevant to the reader, instead of talking about those social influencers. My primary aim is to bring a change in people’s lives, not making this book super popular for the sake of getting popular. Unfortunately, if this book gets super popular and fails to pull out someone from darkness to light, I’ll fail in my endeavour. On the other hand, if this book improves the lives of a tiny minority and I get little recognition, I’ll be successful. I have tried to include stories of people from different backgrounds and different walks of life. Sunil Sinctani is an entrepreneur, Amena Kanchwala works with HCL, Deepak Singla is a top government employee, Kumari Rani, a village lady is a petty shop owner and so on. My endeavour is to impress on the reader that one can get successful no matter his background, education or age etc. The only condition is that he is shown the path he needs to move ahead on to make his life. I request you to join me in praying that this book achieves the goal for which it’s written. Also, I request the reader to pass it on to people who most need it – your action has the power to change lives. I’m confident that by your support this little book of possibility is going to accomplish what it’s written for…