In the gripping pages of "Bloodstained Rain," meet Ananya, a young woman with a blank slate for a memory and a relentless killer hot on her heels. As the story unfolds, a surprising romance kindles, adding warmth to the chilling suspense.Follow An...
In the gripping pages of "Bloodstained Rain," meet Ananya, a young woman with a blank slate for a memory and a relentless killer hot on her heels. As the story unfolds, a surprising romance kindles, adding warmth to the chilling suspense.Follow Ananya as she unravels the mystery of her forgotten past while trying to outsmart a relentless murderer. This book seamlessly combines the excitement of a thriller with the allure of a budding romance.Ananya's journey is a rollercoaster of emotions, and you'll be rooting for her as she navigates treacherous terrain. With every turn of the page, you'll be drawn deeper into her world, with each chapter you will be on your heels to unearth the truth. You will be feeling the pulse-pounding excitement of suspense and the tender moments of love."Bloodstained Rain" is an easy, yet thrilling read that keeps you engaged from start to finish. It's the perfect blend of suspense, romance, and mystery, making it a story that's hard to put down.