Charlie Spencer Chaplin, the legendary comedian, continues to make the world laugh even after more than a century. His silent era creations, centered on everyday problems faced by ordinary people, still touch hearts and create smiles. Chaplin beli...
Charlie Spencer Chaplin, the legendary comedian, continues to make the world laugh even after more than a century. His silent era creations, centered on everyday problems faced by ordinary people, still touch hearts and create smiles. Chaplin believed that God is our eternal guide and humans are mere travelers, and his timeless works inspire countless artists to bring his characters to life and earn their livelihoods.The Junior Charlie Foundation is dedicated to spreading joy, laughter, and smiles among commoners through Chaplin's enduring legacy. We extend our heartfelt thanks to BLUE ROSE Publication for bringing out a fictional story that imagines Charlie among us in India, mingling with everyday people. This collaboration has resulted in an excellent read, continuing Chaplin's mission of spreading happiness.