Leh, a jewel nestled in the Himalayas, grapples with the harsh realities of unplanned growth. This book delves into the challenges Leh faces due to climate change, exacerbated by rapid urbanization, economic booms and population surges. The book s...
Leh, a jewel nestled in the Himalayas, grapples with the harsh realities of unplanned growth. This book delves into the challenges Leh faces due to climate change, exacerbated by rapid urbanization, economic booms and population surges. The book sheds light on the growing vulnerability of small Himalayan towns like Leh to environmental and social issues. Increased risks of natural disasters, resource depletion and a strained ecosystem are some of the concerning consequences. Using the City Biodiversity Index (CBI), a comprehensive assessment of Leh's current state is presented. This index gauges a city's efforts in preserving biodiversity and the vital services ecosystems provide. The research, employing a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods, paints a concerning picture.Scoring a mere 38 out of a possible 92 on the CBI, Leh displays significant shortcomings. The book highlights a near-complete lack of programs for biodiversity protection. Urgent action is needed to improve connectivity for wildlife, safeguard animal species and establish protected natural spaces. This book is a crucial read for urban planners, policymakers and anyone concerned about the fragile Himalayan ecosystem. It serves as a call to action, urging sustainable practices to ensure Leh's future thrives alongside its surrounding natural splendor.