Cosmology for All offers an engaging journey through the wonders of the universe, tailored for readers with or without a scientific background. Starting with the Origin of the Universe, the book explores how the cosmos began, with the Bi...
Cosmology for All offers an engaging journey through the wonders of the universe, tailored for readers with or without a scientific background. Starting with the Origin of the Universe, the book explores how the cosmos began, with the Big Bang and the formation of matter. It then delves into the essential Cosmic Ingredients that make up the universe, such as stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies, which serve as the Cosmic Building Blocks. As the universe continues to expand, we examine the fascinating phenomena of Black Holes: The Cosmic Abyss, where gravity reigns supreme, and unravel the mysteries of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, two unseen forces shaping the universe. The book also covers the formation of Planets and Solar Systems, their role in cosmic evolution, and our place within this grand tapestry. Through Cosmological Modelling and tools for Observing the Universe, readers gain insights into how scientists study and make predictions about the cosmos. The book reflects on Cosmology in Practice and its interdisciplinary connections, highlighting how it intersects with other fields of science and human thought. Finally, the book embraces a Cosmic Perspective, encouraging readers to ponder the deeper implications of our existence within the vastness of space and the exciting frontiers of future exploration.