According to Hindu belief, the process of creation moves in cycles and each cycle has four great epochs of Time, namely the Sathya yuga, Tretha yuga, Dwapara yuga and the Kali yuga. Because the process of creation is cyclic and never ending, it " ...
According to Hindu belief, the process of creation moves in cycles and each cycle has four great epochs of Time, namely the Sathya yuga, Tretha yuga, Dwapara yuga and the Kali yuga. Because the process of creation is cyclic and never ending, it " begins to end and ends to begin ". Hindu cosmology has it predicted that the end of Kali yuga also named the age of darkness due to it's evil propensies, Lord Shiva will destroy the universe and the physical body will undergo a great transformation. After the dissolution, Lord Bhrama will re-create the universe and human kind will become the Beings of Truth once again. The book expounds this sport of the Lord, namely deluge or dissolution.