His burning desires, flowing with emotions, led him to strive for anything beyondthe ordinary...The mission of enthusiastic, passionate Ryan was to be successful and leave themiddle-class tag behind.He was happily married to the girl of his dreams...
His burning desires, flowing with emotions, led him to strive for anything beyondthe ordinary...The mission of enthusiastic, passionate Ryan was to be successful and leave themiddle-class tag behind.He was happily married to the girl of his dreams until Covid-19 happened anddisaster took over!His wife was a front-line fighter during the pandemic. He, with work from home inthe lockdown, decided to join an online course to enhance his knowledge and skillsand climb the ladder of success, adding a feather to his resume.But little did he know that despite being madly in love with his wife, he would getattracted to his classmate during the course, turning his life upside down.Would she be “His Lesson” or “His Forever?”Check it out for yourself!This is a story about “perfect people with imperfect situations…”