This book that handles the thrilling adventures of Detective Donut, a real expert at finding the most complicated crime. Throughout the book, Detective Donut's character development is evident, as he evolves from being recognized as Detective Donu...
This book that handles the thrilling adventures of Detective Donut, a real expert at finding the most complicated crime. Throughout the book, Detective Donut's character development is evident, as he evolves from being recognized as Detective Donut to earning the title of Detective Genius.When you enter a cozy café where you think everything is so peaceful, you are immediately struck by the thrilling experience of finding a duplicate Mona Lisa painting and arresting a thief who works with the art of deception. In a long series of problems that catch your attention from beginning to end, Detective Donut’s wisdom in deduction and problem-solving talents are always put on the edge. Justice and Redemption are great issues in this narrative that make Detective Donut the right person to investigate cases on behalf of every other person who does not have any options left when such things happen; he goes through all twisted paths of fraud with determination so that criminals may be punished for their offences thereby ensuring peace and security for their country. The gradual transformation of detective Donut’s character from being an investigator respected by many into one known as Detective genius takes place as the story proceeds.