The story revolves around the principal character - Diya aka Kshona (Maiden name) who has given up her modelling career to be in her marriage in Singapore. Her identity is at crossroads like her marriage. She pulls herself out of her life in Singapore to take the plunge with a new friend, George, to travel to Vancouver. She finds herself happy with her friend, who is himself lonely and without his daughters. The years of neglect by the debauche Vicky in his marriage to Diya, takes her time to recover from. ...Will he make an effort to save their marriage? As his daughters Layla and Victoria themselves conclude their affairs , they visit their father in Vancouver. They find it tough to accept and are hypocritical of his kinship with Diya. Diya meanwhile has to recover from her own divorce and ignore her friend's delusion to safeguard his health...will the daughters desert their father? Vicky in the. meanwhile finds himself in new company..with Muda and Wadood from Malaysia crossing paths, hanging in suspension between deception and death.