In this thrilling adventure, a group of friends, bound by their destiny serving their common fate, begins with a journey to solve mysteries surrounding the temple crafted by the divine God Vishwakarma. As they dive deeper into ancient secrets, the...
In this thrilling adventure, a group of friends, bound by their destiny serving their common fate, begins with a journey to solve mysteries surrounding the temple crafted by the divine God Vishwakarma. As they dive deeper into ancient secrets, they get involved with the ten Mahavidyas who hold great legendary significance and formidable forces awakened during Samudra Manthan. Their adventure leads them to Shangrila - a holy land filled with mystery and guarded by gods. However, the Asuras are pursuing them for the same thing as well; an incredibly powerful hidden treasure. With time slipping away from them, they need to crack codes, overcome difficulties and keep everyone safe from potential catastrophe.