Reforms may be taken as the changes deliberately brought about policy matrix with a view to improving the state of affairs or ameliorating the situation. This bookoffers a comprehensive analysis of the impact of new liberal policies initiated byGo...
Reforms may be taken as the changes deliberately brought about policy matrix with a view to improving the state of affairs or ameliorating the situation. This bookoffers a comprehensive analysis of the impact of new liberal policies initiated byGovt. of India during early nineties on India's industrial relations landscape,coupled with the evolution of labour and social security legislations aimed atassuaging workers' concerns. Over 38 years, from 1981 to 2018, it examineskey dimensions: dispute frequency, workforce involvement, and time loss.Additionally, it critically evaluates India's labour and social security laws sinceindependence, including the New Labour Codes 2019-20, in light of labour classanxieties stemming from neoliberal policies. The book proposes policyrecommendations to mitigate discontent, fostering a healthier industrial relationsclimate and more inclusive labour reforms. Designed as a valuable reference, ittargets academics and researchers.