"In this collection, you’ll journey through the layered complexities of human existence, seen from both the visible reality of our senses and the hidden depths of others' thoughts and emotions. As a writer, I delve into these perspectives, weaving...
"In this collection, you’ll journey through the layered complexities of human existence, seen from both the visible reality of our senses and the hidden depths of others' thoughts and emotions. As a writer, I delve into these perspectives, weaving together characters and events that reflect the richness of life. Rather than focusing on physical descriptions, I leave their forms to your imagination, believing that their emotional depth truly brings them to life. Each story starts with a simple premise but evolves as the characters' inner worlds transform, shaping the external world around them. My hope is that each tale will transport you into a unique and thought-provoking realm, offering fresh insights into the nuances of existence and relationships."