In this book, all poem is based on events in my life that might not be similar to yours,but I’m sharing what I’ve learned from them in the form of a question., such as what islove? What is friendship? What is love for the country? What is one-side...
In this book, all poem is based on events in my life that might not be similar to yours,but I’m sharing what I’ve learned from them in the form of a question., such as what islove? What is friendship? What is love for the country? What is one-sided love? How doyou choose your own life path? How do you overcome of bad times in your life? What isselling, or false love? What is life? If a love relationship is broken, how can you recoverfrom it and discover yourself? What is imaginary love? Why should we learn to walkalone? Why does the mind repeatedly want the beloved person whom we love? Whathappens when a loved one lives in the mind & heart forever? What is the meaning ofteacher, and what is its importance? Why is Love is most precious and free?The explanation of the poetry in this book also makes reference to my personalexperiences and outlook on life. But in this instance, the truth of my existence up to thispoint is articulated in poetic words.