"Feathers that scattered around" is a romantic comedy story with shades of friendship and traveling. A book about reuniting with friends, finding love, some painful pasts, and mending hearts. A book where, I, Jonathan, meet my friends and the love...
"Feathers that scattered around" is a romantic comedy story with shades of friendship and traveling. A book about reuniting with friends, finding love, some painful pasts, and mending hearts. A book where, I, Jonathan, meet my friends and the love of my life, and together, we make unforgettable memories.Jonathan recovers himself with the help of his friends Thomas, Rabina, Papri, Suryaa, and Dona who supported him till the end. He deals with himself and tries to find out what he truly desires for. He fears going into any further relationship. He copes with himself and with the flow of time he founds his love and he confronts his love desires.