"Female Identity in Feminist Writings" revolves around the thought that Feminism is an ideology with a difference. This makes it peculiarly difficult to analyze and criticize the terms usually applied to ideologies. If women were to be truly equal...
"Female Identity in Feminist Writings" revolves around the thought that Feminism is an ideology with a difference. This makes it peculiarly difficult to analyze and criticize the terms usually applied to ideologies. If women were to be truly equal to men, then there would be a need for female emancipation within both private and public spheres. Perhaps men or the state should have a greater role in child-rearing, realizing women have a greater role in every sphere. Perhaps there should be a "wage" for the work done by women in the private sphere. Whatever the answer, there is agreement among feminists that such divisions are not "natural" or "biological" in origin, but social, and as such, can be reformed by social and political change.