Nestled along the Narmada River, surrounded by the Maikal Mountains in Madhya Pradesh, the Baiga tribe leads a life as simple as their literature and culture. Their literary and cultural expressions are deeply intertwined with their surroundings a...
Nestled along the Narmada River, surrounded by the Maikal Mountains in Madhya Pradesh, the Baiga tribe leads a life as simple as their literature and culture. Their literary and cultural expressions are deeply intertwined with their surroundings and experiences. Many aspects of Baiga life, including their customs, traditions, religious beliefs, folk dances, and music, remain unknown to mainstream society. Their rich repository of folklore, ballads, legends, and myths has been preserved through generations.Having been in contact with the Baiga tribe for fifty years, I have spent numerous nights listening to their stories and collecting these folk tales. The narratives offer a glimpse into their social structure, beliefs, and a connection with the creator of the universe. I have translated some fascinating tales from Stephen Fuchs' 1960 journal, "Folk Tales of the Gond and Baiga in Eastern Mandla," into Hindi and Baiga languages. I hope this collection will captivate readers interested in tribal culture.