"Frankenstein" narrates the tale of Victor Frankenstein, a peculiar scientist, and his unconventional creation. Victor, born into privilege in Switzerland, harbors an insatiable thirst for knowledge, leading him to delve into uncharted territories...
"Frankenstein" narrates the tale of Victor Frankenstein, a peculiar scientist, and his unconventional creation. Victor, born into privilege in Switzerland, harbors an insatiable thirst for knowledge, leading him to delve into uncharted territories of science. Through his experiments, he manages to bring forth a living being, albeit with horrifying outcomes. After its creation, Victor abandons the creature, which yearns for his acceptance and companionship. However, society recoils in fear and disgust at the creature's monstrous appearance, fueling its own resentment towards its creator. As the creature comprehends the reasons behind its rejection, it becomes consumed by hatred towards Victor, vowing vengeance. This timeless narrative explores the tumultuous relationship between creator and creation, unraveling the irreversible consequences of their actions.