The story revolves around Joan Gladstone (Jo), a girl who's the black sheep of the family, demotivated in life, and Christopher Davis (Chris) a boy full of life, one who always finds the ray of hope. Jo, a reporter who sits behind a desk. Chris, a...
The story revolves around Joan Gladstone (Jo), a girl who's the black sheep of the family, demotivated in life, and Christopher Davis (Chris) a boy full of life, one who always finds the ray of hope. Jo, a reporter who sits behind a desk. Chris, an FBI agent who's a professional in his field. Jo has lost all hope in life, and thinks is the black sheep of the family, finds a new life with Chris. Chris, trying to hide his profession, also wants to help Jo get her profession back. Soon a special friendship forms between them, but Chris's profession eventually gets them in trouble. Will the friends survive the events that unfold, you'll have to read to find out.