A professionally renowned psychiatrist, scientist and academician arranged a three-day musical seminar in a hill station. The intention was to discover the behavioural aspects of humans engaged in regular singing as well as togetherness and mental...
A professionally renowned psychiatrist, scientist and academician arranged a three-day musical seminar in a hill station. The intention was to discover the behavioural aspects of humans engaged in regular singing as well as togetherness and mental relaxation. He hypothesised that the selection of a song, spontaneity to join others, remarks to others and other aspects if explained without biases, the behavioural pattern of a person could be analysed. He invited twenty non-professional singers from different parts of the country who sang in different musical apps on the internet to join a three-day musical seminar in a Serine Hill station. The programme was started with full enthusiasm but was disrupted by the gunshots in the evening. It was claimed by some people that the growling of leopards had been heard. The participants were a little worried on that night but as such nothing happened. On the second night in the late hours, two gunshots and growling sounds were heard by all. One guard shouted after seeing the dead body from the opened window on the ground floor. The body was laid down on the floor and the blood was all around. The body was none but the main organiser, but why and how????????