This story revolves around the school life of a small-town girl Bella, who did not have any amazing qualities. Hence, she was bullied and criticized for her average grades and extremely low confidence. Bella was a student in 8th grade in a big sch...
This story revolves around the school life of a small-town girl Bella, who did not have any amazing qualities. Hence, she was bullied and criticized for her average grades and extremely low confidence. Bella was a student in 8th grade in a big school in a small town. She was an introvert, though very kind and polite. However, she did not have any remarkable qualities to be appreciated for. Everyone remembers their school life as the best phase of their life but for Bella, from the time she came to her senses, she can recall it full of bullies and criticizers. In short, her school life was terrible. But there comes a U-turn in her life. What was that U- turn? Was it for good? Was it even worse? There are certain decisions and incidents that change one's life, a similar one happened with Bella. There are certain embarrassing moments that you just want to vanish from your life. But how many of us look at those embarrassing moments as challenges? How Bella dealt with her embarrassment is an eye opener for many.