The story in this book originates from my thoughts, with all the characters reflecting my imagination. Each character is crafted to be intriguing, particularly the protagonist, Rajnath. Although he is a teenager in the story, his character embodie...
The story in this book originates from my thoughts, with all the characters reflecting my imagination. Each character is crafted to be intriguing, particularly the protagonist, Rajnath. Although he is a teenager in the story, his character embodies the commitment and complexity of someone older. Rajnath is a student deeply entangled with the story’s antagonists, his mind constantly working in unconventional ways. In the opening scene, he embarks on his journey during a counter-attack. He has two friends and a girlfriend, and he crosses many boundaries to achieve his dreams. In the final scene of this part of the story, Rajnath reunites with his friends and decides to abduct someone. The second part of the story explores the consequences of his actions and his subsequent downfall.