Aria, a brave yet vulnerable orphan, leads a quiet life in the seemingly ordinary town of Glendon—until her twin brother, Jayden, mysteriously disappears.Guided by the enigmatic witch Elleira, Aria is drawn into a hidden world where supernatural f...
Aria, a brave yet vulnerable orphan, leads a quiet life in the seemingly ordinary town of Glendon—until her twin brother, Jayden, mysteriously disappears.Guided by the enigmatic witch Elleira, Aria is drawn into a hidden world where supernatural forces whisper of betrayal and hunger for power.As she uncovers one secret after another, a darker truth begins to emerge. Aria realizes her fight is far from over. Why was her brother taken? And most terrifying of all—what does the vampire world truly want from them?Hidden Woods: The Echoes of the Lost Twin is a gripping tale of suspense, betrayal, and the unknown, where every answer reveals an even darker question.