In this research and critical book, Dr. Seema Singh has independently reflected on thetransgender discussion. She has analysed this subject with the same intensity anddepth as she was emotionally attached to it. The basic demand of all the discuss...
In this research and critical book, Dr. Seema Singh has independently reflected on thetransgender discussion. She has analysed this subject with the same intensity anddepth as she was emotionally attached to it. The basic demand of all the discussionshas been that we are also humans, you should treat us like humans and give us therights of being humans. Which they have not been getting from the mainstream forcenturies. Especially they do not get the rights from the families from which they haveseparated. Humanity is at the center of the thinking, but the rest of the psycho-religious,social, cultural creations are also necessary. These knots will also have to be solvedthen the discussion itself can be accepted more on a larger scale. If the biologicalquestion of transgenders was not even considered from the medical point of viewbefore, then the requirement of social, cultural, religious, political and above all humanthinking will definitely be fulfilled by this book.