In the universe there is both good and bad.It is God who created both. There is also temptation, a trait which makes us stray from up- rightness and holiness. Generally, God does not like that evil men enter His mansion. Because the huma...
In the universe there is both good and bad.It is God who created both. There is also temptation, a trait which makes us stray from up- rightness and holiness. Generally, God does not like that evil men enter His mansion. Because the human being is placed in a peculiar state, that of temporariness and in- completeness God bequeaths His favour and sympathy so that manava may transcend difficulty and attain the blissomeness that is verily God. Discrimination is one power God endowed the human beings with. This unique power can be used for our own improvement and for reaching up to the expectations of God. When God is pleased we get things of which we had no inkling that we are over- whelmed . There is a pressing need for us to attain the Divine status for which we have to follow the Divine directive. It is called human compulsion which makes him bent to the Almighty will. In the book ideals that make of man valiant and competent and the need for recognizing the greatness and power of God are described.