For a long, I had been thinking to share my experience with my friends especially those who are currently dealing with Human Resource Management or Industrial relations. This experience will be highly beneficial as the whole book explains the prac...
For a long, I had been thinking to share my experience with my friends especially those who are currently dealing with Human Resource Management or Industrial relations. This experience will be highly beneficial as the whole book explains the practical stories and experiences which I came across during my job as a human resource person in three Large Industries of India such as Ballarpur Industries Ltd, Escorts Yamaha Motorcycle Ltd and BPL Display Devices Ltd. Each industry in its area was no 1 in India during that time when I served them for more than 35 years. This book is not only going to be benefitted to those Managers working in Human Resource Deptt but to other Executives also working in other departments such as Production, Finance and Accounts, Quality Assurance etc. While reading my book, Some Professionals may think that some of my narrations/experiences are quite old and outdated so these may not fit in the present scenario. They may be partially correct because the industrial environment has drastically changed over a while due to rampant changes in Industrial Laws, Court verdicts, and new human Resource Practices adopted by the Industries. However, the very core area which is the Human Psyche/Nature of Mankind is never changed. We might have adopted and effectively introduced modern and Noval HR Practices to improve the industrial environment but still, strenuous efforts are required to consistently work on it and make the industry a better place of work.