
जीवन के पग-पग पर स्मृतियों के दीप (Footsteps Illuminated by Memories)

by Pratap Chandra Bajpei (प्रताप चन्द्र बाजपेई) | 18-Oct-2024

My autobiography, reflects the journey of an ordinary boy from a middle-class family in Uttar Pradesh, spanning from childhood to the age of 65. It captures the sweet and sour moments, challenges, and triumphs encountered along the way. The core o...
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Book Details

  • Language : Hindi
  • Pages : 216
  • ISBN : 9789364529129
  • Genre: OTHERS
  • Size : 7.5" x 9.25"
  • Binding Type : PAPERBACK
  • Age Group: + Years
  • Paper Type : WHITE PAPER
  • Interior : BLACK & WHITE
  • Cover : MATTE FINISH
  • Book Type : PAPERBACK
  • Tags : जीवन के पग-पग पर स्मृतियों के दीप (Footsteps Illuminated by Memories),Biographies,Diaries and True Accounts
  • Best Sellers Rank :
    #108 in Autobiography
    #9147 in Global


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