"Kailash to Greater Kailash" is a whimsical and thought-provoking narrative that brings the divine family of Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati, and their sons Ganesha and Kartik to modern-day Earth. The story imagines what would happen if these celestia...
"Kailash to Greater Kailash" is a whimsical and thought-provoking narrative that brings the divine family of Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati, and their sons Ganesha and Kartik to modern-day Earth. The story imagines what would happen if these celestial beings took a vacation to Delhi’s Greater Kailash, blending mythology with contemporary city life. With a delightful mixture of humor, cultural references, and moral lessons, the book explores how the divine family navigates human society, from attending housewarming parties to riding the Delhi Metro. As the family embarks on their journey, they are met with the challenges of adapting to modern technology, social norms, and the contrasting realities of urban life— ranging from societal expectations to inequality and the fast paced nature of human ambition. Each chapter brings a fresh perspective on humanity’s struggles and joys, with insightful reflections on emotions, relationships, and the pursuit of happiness. At its heart, "Kailash to Greater Kailash" is a story about understanding human nature through the eyes of divine beings. It offers both entertainment and introspection, encouraging readers to reflect on their own lives while enjoying the humorous situations the divine family encounters.