Embark on a soul-stirring journey through love and loss in "Kaya," where every page brims with the timeless essence of human connection."Kaya, his debut novel, is a touching exploration of love, loss, and the enduring power of human connection. Th...
Embark on a soul-stirring journey through love and loss in "Kaya," where every page brims with the timeless essence of human connection."Kaya, his debut novel, is a touching exploration of love, loss, and the enduring power of human connection. Through his storytelling, he takes readers on an unforgettable journey filled with heartwarming moments and heartbreaking trials.Kaya is the name of a woman who represents the dream of every girl to be independent; she is a strong, self-dependent woman who, to fulfill her wish to buy a scooter, decides to not ask her father for financial help but to eam her own money and, through that, fulfill her wish. The author has done justice to the name Kaya' as, in Turkey, it translates to 'rock or cliff: The boldness of Kaya can be seen in the following lines:My heart skipped a beat as she touched and clapped my hands. "Am I boring you?" Kaya asked."Never, I replied immediately with a smile."Why don't you talk? I will listen and keep looking at you," she suggested, looking into my eyes."Kaya by Hardik Kevadiya is a must-read debut novel that transports you to an office setting with relatable characters and engaging plots. The author's unique blend of old and new in the plot makes the story truly innovative and worth diving into.