"Kerala Kaleidoscope" is a vivid and unflinching memoir that recounts the author's childhood memories growing up in a quaint village in Kochi during the 1960s. This genre-bending book masterfully intertwines history and personal recollections, cra...
"Kerala Kaleidoscope" is a vivid and unflinching memoir that recounts the author's childhood memories growing up in a quaint village in Kochi during the 1960s. This genre-bending book masterfully intertwines history and personal recollections, crafting a seamless and engaging narrative. With lucid prose that is both simple and evocative, the author brings to life a charming portrayal of village life, infused with historical context. The book celebrates the ordinary, shedding light on the lives of everyday people and mundane events that have been overlooked by the annals of history, yet are no less extraordinary.
Tags : Kerala Kaleidoscope,Sree Narayana Guru,Kochi-Muziris Biennale,Hortus Malabaricus,Willingdon Island,Sir Robert Bristow,M. T. Vasudevan Nair,Vaikom Muhammed Basheer,Bibliosmia,Walter Kaufman,Fort Kochi,Silent Valley