The story begins in the city of Karnikpurum, a fictional city located in central India. It beautifullycombines elements of fiction and mythology to offer a vivid portrayal of our country's rich heritage from5000 years ago.This captivating ...
The story begins in the city of Karnikpurum, a fictional city located in central India. It beautifullycombines elements of fiction and mythology to offer a vivid portrayal of our country's rich heritage from5000 years ago.This captivating narrative takes readers on a remarkable journey, where they can explore the vibranttapestry of ancient India. Immerse yourself in a world where gods and goddesses, mythical creatures,and legendary warriors come to life through the author’s exceptional storytelling.Peppered with awe-inspiring landscapes, mythical realms, and dynamic character development, thisbook offers a literary experience that transports readers back in time. Through meticulous research andexpert storytelling, the author paints a vivid picture of the culture, traditions, and beliefs that prevailedin ancient India.In this mesmerizing tale, readers can expect to be enthralled by epic battles, magical quests, and theeternal struggle between darkness and light. The author flawlessly weaves together various strands offiction and mythology, creating a captivating narrative that resonates with readers of all ages.With its seamless blend of fiction and mythological elements, this book serves as a testament to thedepth and richness of our country’s history. It offers a window Into a bygone era, shedding light on thevalues, ideologies, and extraordinary individuals who shaped our civilization.