Beset by highly significant psychological and socio-cultural ramifications, the lives of persons on the Subcontinent are powerful but understated , most importantly taken as a given.There are various kinds of existences in this part of the vast wo...
Beset by highly significant psychological and socio-cultural ramifications, the lives of persons on the Subcontinent are powerful but understated , most importantly taken as a given.There are various kinds of existences in this part of the vast world that have gone largely unnoticed, sidelined or overlooked. Realities of the intense lives of men , women and children are celebrated for their unsung calibre and dynamism in this poetic collection. I AM celebrates many an unseen "I am " that walks among us.The rage , noise , pretense , grit, shock, endurance, ignorance, and innocence that accost the average human in the being around us are collected, gently observed and valued in this commentary. The collection is bound to take by surprise the reader, who will undoubtedly connect with the truths and raw exposures packed in language that is as bold as the rawness demands. .An unforgettable and enjoyable experience in verse is promised by this heartfelt rendition of the jarring notes of life.