This story, set in the final year of college, is deeply personal and blends real and imaginary events. It is divided into three parts, and as you read, you’ll find yourself laughing, crying, and even feeling angry. The story will take you back to ...
This story, set in the final year of college, is deeply personal and blends real and imaginary events. It is divided into three parts, and as you read, you’ll find yourself laughing, crying, and even feeling angry. The story will take you back to the best moments of your college life and remind you of those special friends who may no longer be by your side. After college, life changes—friends drift apart due to jobs or the relentless pursuit of money. The bond we cherished during college fades, leaving behind a bittersweet longing. I won’t reveal much more here. Dive into the story, relive those cherished moments, and I promise you’ll have tears in your eyes by the end and eagerly await the second part.