The story revolves around an ambitious young man Reo Kyler who stepped on to the grounds of the world’s leading technological giant, NUCORP as an intern with the hope to make a name for himself. Finding his love in Syra was one of the best moments...
The story revolves around an ambitious young man Reo Kyler who stepped on to the grounds of the world’s leading technological giant, NUCORP as an intern with the hope to make a name for himself. Finding his love in Syra was one of the best moments of his life and he found himself gliding in the gleam of glory.It was until a string of fateful events occurred that reshaped Reo’s life in a way none would have ever anticipated. A dark force that was long considered dead was finally rising from its graves. A burdensome legacy that was long bestowed upon his shoulders had finally arrived to seek answers. It is now that Reo needed to take responsibility for he really was as now, the fate of the world in the long run somewhere depended on him.A series of events eventually makes him don the title of ‘LEON’ and from here, everything changed for forever.