The story revolves around a 9-year-old girl Cecilia who misses her best friend Hema in the winter holidays. They both were separated when they were 5 years old. Cecilia loves her family so much and shares a great bond with her paternal grandmother...
The story revolves around a 9-year-old girl Cecilia who misses her best friend Hema in the winter holidays. They both were separated when they were 5 years old. Cecilia loves her family so much and shares a great bond with her paternal grandmother. Her father Neil gives a surprise to her but it lasts for some time only. She is very sad and doesn't sleep at night times properly. To change her mood her grandmother tells her a life lesson that happiness doesn't last forever and sadness doesn't last forever. In life, there are happy days and sad days but we human beings only want happy days. We have to be positive-minded. Her father gives her another surprise. What is the surprise? Only the reader can know. Their family goes to Shimla to celebrate Christmas. Consequences led her to meet two magical creatures. She goes on an adventure with them. What is that adventure and why did she meet the two magical creatures. Did she ever meet Hema or not? That's the story about.