The book narrates three different tales revolving around the profound theme of 'Love'. Wait - Before you concrade anything - No, these are not conventional love stories which we have been hearing since childhood or fall prey to upon adolescents. T...
The book narrates three different tales revolving around the profound theme of 'Love'. Wait - Before you concrade anything - No, these are not conventional love stories which we have been hearing since childhood or fall prey to upon adolescents. The author's treatment of the central theme varies in each story. There are a few important questions to delve into:* What are the different aspects of 'LOVE'? • Can one version of love be different from others?Can love be conflicting yet all encompassing?How powerful and deep can love be?* And finally will love truly end with the world?Let's explore the answers to these questions in the three tales of: Passion, Commitment, Pain, Glory and Shocking revelations.